Captain marvel comics
Captain marvel comics

captain marvel comics

SPOILER ALERT! Can we get into some of the nitty-gritty, Joe? What do you think is the effectiveness of having her go after Thor, first and foremost? I thought I would really miss Carmen Carnero on this series, but Garbett is already stepping up to the plate in a big way, which has me excited for the rest of this storyline and for future issues. I expected a bit more lead-up after all of the Star drama, but instead the creative team just dives right in, and it’s (literally) jaw-dropping. Puc: Yes! This issue employs in media res so beautifully. Lee Garbett and Tamra Bonvillain also turn in incredible work on the action, Garbett’s clean lines and Bonvillain’s spectacular colors keeping everything easy to follow and conveying the ferocity of the battle. The narration feels like the Carol we know, but her actions throughout are anything but that, and I appreciated that juxtaposition. Grunenwald: I always appreciate a comic that drops readers into the middle of the action, which Thompson does to great effect here. Some of the visuals here are bone-chilling. I appreciate that we don’t get all of the answers up front, and that this issue really allows the reader to be viscerally horrified.

captain marvel comics captain marvel comics

I didn’t expect an issue-long action sequence either, nor did I expect such well-placed internal monologue. Puc: “What hits you will never be what you expect,” Joe! I have to admit that as much as I like Kelly Thompson’s writing, she’s never really WOWED me, but her run on Captain Marvel has been absolutely stunning, this issue especially. I don’t know what I expected going into it, but I did not expect an issue-long action sequence. Grunenwald: This is definitely the most intense Captain Marvel comic I’ve ever read. Samantha Puc: I read this entire issue with my jaw on the ground. Joe Grunenwald: After no small amount of hype, Dark Captain Marvel is here! Sam, what did you think of Captain Marvel #12?

Captain marvel comics