Holographic displays plugin
Holographic displays plugin

holographic displays plugin holographic displays plugin

It will display a default message until you change it. The name is set to what you type in the “name” parameter. hd create name | This command creates a new hologram. Holographic Displays is a plugin that lets you explore your creativity and add a cool new look to your server! It is very useful when displaying information about how your server works.


That’s everything you need to know about holographicdisplays! If you still need help contact us.M I N E H U T C O M M U N I T Y F A Q HOW TO USE HOLOGRAPHIC DISPLAYS There are many other plugins that use the HologrpahicDisplays API. There are other plugins such as Touchscreen Holograms that allow you to add commands to your holograms. I went above the shop and entered /holograms readimage shopIcon diamond.png 32 and then it showed up. So I ran /holograms create shopIcon Then I made sure the diamond.png was uploaded. I will use the diamond from the images section above. To bring some attention to our shop, Lets put a diamond icon above the shop. Get on top of the chest and type in /holograms create shopGold ICON: goldingot you can then do /holograms movehere shopGold to move it if needed. To have an Icon on top of the chests like in the pictures. You will need to use your own sign shop or chest shop plugin but that’s up to you. I will create a small item shop with diamonds, gold, iron, and emeralds. Enter /holograms create username Colorful text Use /holograms reload after all configuration changes Creating a simple store using floating items and images Lets create a new hologram called username that displays their username and use a placeholder. Placeholders can be used to display dynamic content such as the players username, the number of players online, or the world name. Lets add a diamond to the bottom of MyFirstHologram /holograms addline myfirsthologram ICON: diamond Placeholders Here is some good documentation on how it works and other options. Lets add a new line to our hologram that has some diamond icons. holograms readimage for me it was /holograms readimage diamond diamond.png 32 The diamond image I used is from here WARNING: I ran into a bug where / holograms reload will delete the hologram. To create a hologram with an image, go to your desired spot and create a blank hologram with /holograms create Then upload your desired image into the HolographicDisplays plugin folder. the command I ran was /holograms setline myfirsthologram 1 My favorite Minecraft server is &aSuperFunTime Holographic Images Lets edit our first line to say “My favorite Minecraft is SuperFunTime” and lets make SuperFunTime light green. For my example I put my favorite server’s IP address You can also edit a line by entering /holograms setline myfirsthologram for example /holograms setline myfirsthologram 2 ThisTextWasAdded Coloring Text with Color CodesĬolor Codes are somewhat complicated. Click on the first option or /ho lograms addline myfirsthologram Remove the part and replace it with some words. Enter /holograms edit MyFirstHologram From there you can click on what ever you need. You can move it to your location by entering /holograms movehere MyFirstHologram Finally, you can delete it by running /holograms delete MyFirstHologram Editing a HologramĮditing a hologram is very useful. You created a hologram at your location! Use /holograms list to see it in the list. /holograms copy allows you to copy the contents of one hologram to anotherĮnter /holograms create MyFirstHologram I love minecraft or any other words and You should get something like the image below./holograms movehere will move a hologram to your current location./holograms teleport will teleport you to the hologram you named./holograms near will show you a list of holograms in a certain radius around your player./holograms list will show you a list of the holograms on your server./holograms edit will allow you to edit a hologram with other commands./holograms delete Will delete your hologram./holograms create – This will create a hologram with the text you specify.Documentation can be referenced here List of commands and their descriptions These are the only commands so there isn’t too much to learn. Once installing the plugin and restarting your server, run /holograms help and you should get a good list of commands.


Once downloaded you can follow the instructions here to install the plugin on your server.


HolographicDisplays also known as HD is a free spigot plugin that allows you to create floating messages made of text, items, or even pictures for players to look at! You can download this plugin from this page. Learn everything you need to and more regarding holographicdisplays on your Minecraft server rental in this article!

Holographic displays plugin