Phonetizer check
Phonetizer check

phonetizer check

This package is free software you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself, either Perl version 5.24.1 or, at your option, any later version of Perl 5 you may have available. Setup default named sub-chains in $ach->. Janitor (paranoid removal of internal temporary data), a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::DTAClean object. eqlemmaĮxtensional (corpus-based) lemma-equivalence class expander, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqLemma object. Post-processing for "moot" tagger, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::MootSub object. HMM part-of-speech tagger, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Moot object. Post-processing for "dmoot" analyzer, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::DmootSub object. Token-level dynamic HMM conflation disambiguator, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Moot::DynLex object. eqrwĮxtensional rewrite-equivalence expander, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqRW object. eqphoĮxtensional (corpus-based) phonetic equivalence expander, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPho object. Intensional (TAGH-based) phonetic equivalence expander, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::EqPhoX object. Post-processing for rewrite cascade, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::RewriteSub object. Weighted finite-state rewrite cascade, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Rewrite object.ĭate-optimized variants rw.1600-1700, rw.1700-1800, and rw.1800-1900 may also be included. Morphological security heuristics, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::MorphSafe object. Latin pseudo-morphology, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph::Latin object. Morphological analyzer (TAGH), a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Morph object. Phonetizer (Letter-to-Sound mapper), a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::LTS object. Transliterator, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::Unicruft object.

phonetizer check

Token preprocessor, a DTA::CAB::Analyzer::TokPP object. Methods new $obj = CLASS_OR_OBJ->new(%args) ĪutoClean => 0, #- always run 'clean' analyzer regardless of options checked in both doAnalyze(), analyzeClean()Ĭhains => undef, #- see setupChains() methodĬhain => undef, #- see setupChains() methodĪdditionally, the following sub-analyzers are defined as fields of %$obj: tokpp See the "setupChains" method for a list of supported sub-chains and the corresponding analyers. This class inherits from DTA::CAB::Chain::Multi. New tags to support Acatts based exceptions/abbreviations (dynamic exceptions/abbreviations and files) allowing to load up 10 files at a time.DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA - Deutsches Textarchiv canonicalization chain class SYNOPSIS use DTA::CAB::Chain::DTA ĭTA::CAB::Chain::DTA is the DTA::CAB::Analyzer subclass implementing the robust orthographic canonicalization cascade used in the Deutsches Textarchiv project.

  • Fix all SSML “says-as” tags replaced by single space character except ‘spelling’ tag replaced by Acatts rms tag.
  • • Handling for special HTML/XML meta characters (' ' < > & ) replaced by single character

  • Registry configuration replaced by file configuration (all binaries components).

  • Regular maintenance and bug correction on all other languages.Īdd voice mode load option (full preprocessing, preprocessing HD and unplugged) Specific for Servers WINDOWS.
  • German ClaudiaSmile joins our standard portfolio and offers a commercial-smile variation on Claudia’s’ existing voice.
  • German: Improved morphological analysis leading to more accurate pronunciations/phrasing on compound words.
  • Dutch: Part of speech analysis and stress model has been updated.
  • French and Canadian French: phrasing/chunker have been aligned on the voices’ natural phrasing as well as breathing model, part of speech tagger has been enhanced.
  • This new release provides an updated Part-Of-Speech tagger as well as new breathing model and enhanced phonetizer and stress restoration system and more. > Enhanced synchronization on words especially for groups of words being highlighted as a single word that are now highlighted word by word.


    > Enhancement of spelling mode, e.g.: \rms=1\ α => its says the full word alpha instead of spelling it “A, L, P, H, A” On the long run it will allow alternative pronunciations as well.

    phonetizer check

    > Belgian version of each French voice: including another preprocessing lexicon in order to pronounce 7x and 9x variants. In version 8.200 of Acapela TTS for Windows and Linux Server.In version 8.500 of Acapela TTS for Win CE.

    phonetizer check

    In version 8.500 of Acapela TTS for Linux Embedded.


  • In version 1.600 of Acapela TTS for Android.
  • In version 1.800 of Acapela TTS for iOS.

  • In version 9.400 of Acapela TTS for Windows, Mac OSX.
  • Try it in our online demo!Īll Acapela SDKs are benefiting from this new version. Audio boost provides +3dB extra loudness, for further volume expansion when it is activated to the maximum level, you can activate this feature for more volume, and this is how it works with the audio boost tag: “\audioboost=val\” where val is a value in the range 0 to 90.

    Phonetizer check